They need all the help we can give them ....

Friday, 16 January 2009

Hi All, welcome to my brand new blog, I am a complete newbie to this so please be patient, hope you all enjoy the tales from my garden ...........


  1. Whoo hoo, first to comment on your new blog. Way to go Alli.

    The hardest part of blogging is keeping it going after you run out of things to say. Good luck and "Save the Hedghog, Save the World!"

  2. Hi AliH,

    Wishing you are the best with your Tales From The Hedgerow Blog!

    Well done! Mildred x

  3. Thanks everyone, I have to say once I start talking about hedgehogs I do get on my 'soap box' a bit, and anything I can do to spread the word!!!!

  4. Hi AlliH,

    Best of luck with your blog, it'll be lovely to hear whats going on in the garden.

    Ali (Mouse) x

  5. Good luck AlliH. Can't wait to
    Ali x (Mouse)

  6. Well done on setting up your blog!! Am looking forward to hearing all about your spikey little lodgers :)

  7. Hi Ali, I'm in the process of setting up my own blog (same template funily enough) I look forward to seeing how your's progresses and especially looking forward to reading about all your little 4 (and 2) legged friends.

  8. Hi Alli -

    Well done on getting your blog up and running. Lovely pics of the little 'uns. Love Bluebell (aka Greta) xx
