They need all the help we can give them ....

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Ok, I mentioned previously that I live in a terraced house with a small garden, I'll fill you in a bit more.

When we moved into the house over 10 years ago the garden was completely filled with grass (or so we thought), on closer inspection it looked like the garden had been a dumping ground and over time the grass had grown over the rubbish and created what looked like little rolling hills!!!! There was everything you could imagine, piles of rubble, electrical cables, floor tiles and even and old Christmas tree!!!

We gradually cleared the rubbish and added a shed and patio area at the bottom of the garden, as this is where the evening sun shines. Flower beds were made with the help of some railway sleepers, a little playhouse added for my daughter. Over the years things have developed, my husband built a lovely archway into the garden which is now covered in a beautiful passion flower which blossoms throughout the year right until the first harsh frosts. New path was layed using recycled bricks outside the back door. The flower beds were shaped and re-shaped and filled and are still being filled. The children brought me a wonderful flowering cherry tree for Mothers Day one year, which now holds prime position in the centre of the garden (can't wait for Spring because the blossoms are so beautiful). Although we are very much overlooked by other houses I have managed over the years to build up quite a collection of trees and shrubs around the edges and now in Summer when you walk out in the garden hey presto the houses have disappeared!!!!! The walls of the house are covered in Virginia Creeper, which during the summer is home is a whole sparrow family, funny when you go out at night and shine a torch up into it, all you can see are sparrow bottoms!!!!, but it's lovely to hear their chatter first thing in the morning and all the squabbling just before they go to bed.

Hopefully in the Summer when the garden is looking at it's best I'll post some photographs.

Bill, Ben, Button and Bee are still residing in the back room, still piling on the pounds, can't bring myself to put them out in the shed yet, had another couple of nights of hard frost, so I'll hang on for a little while, they are rather pampered hedgehogs!!
In the next post I'll tell you all about the wildlife in the garden.

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